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CBMI has relationships with a number of consulting firms to bring additional skill sets to its clients as dictated by project requirements.

giga.Com is a telecommunications consulting company focused on architecture, engineering, deployment and management of broadband networks, for carriers, private companies and governments.

giga.Com guides the telecom/IT equipment manufacturers in their industrial research and development in order to maximize the fit between their new products and the market needs.

Funded in 1994, giga.Com is based in Montreal and operates in Canada, Mexico and Europe.


The Mackin Gibson Consulting Group are a team of Information Systems executives dedicated to assisting organizations in realizing the value of Information Technology. Their services focuses on clients’ needs through the effective use of their Information Systems infrastructure and organization and are designed to assist in managing all of their current challenges, while simultaneously positioning them for long-term growth and success.

The MGCG team of consulting staff are top specialists in their fields. A superlative team positions them to assist your organization to maximize your information technology investments offering services in four critical areas in Information Systems - Management, Delivery, Strategy and Architecture.

Mark H. Goldberg and Associates provides a full range of consulting services to telecommunications companies, including: business planning, strategic planning, carrier relations, regulatory and government relations, network design, RFP evaluations, project management and operations reviews.

Mark H. Goldberg has more than 21 years of international experience in strategic planning, managing, designing and implementing telecommunications carrier networks. His background includes heading the Network Services organization for one of Canada’s largest long distance companies, developing the network architecture for competition in Canada, design of the US Government Voice Network, creating the business plan for Canada’s Information Highway initiative, and helping new international entrepreneurs launch traditional and enhanced telecommunications services.



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Copyright © 2002 Benoit Marcoux Consulting Inc.
2002-02-06 11:06